Grilled Mango Parfait With Greek Yogurt & Toasted Almonds #SundaySupper

Grilled Mango Parfait With Greek Yogurt & Toasted Almonds #SundaySupper

Ripe mangoes brushed with coconut oil are grilled, then  layered  with creamy Greek  Yogurt and toasted slivered almonds ! Rich, yummy, healthy dessert that can fix even the most serious sweet tooth!  My #SundaySupper team is doing a ” five ingredient or less dish” theme and frankly, I found this a little challenging. Not because I don’t do quick and easy meals. One pot cooking and easy meals are my favorite kind of meal prep but I use a lot of spices and herbs. Since those count as ingredients as well, I decided to play it safe and make a parfait. I am looking forward to visiting all my team mates blogs and getting some tips on using less ingredients 🙂 ! For my parfait I used mangoes, coconut oil, yogurt and slivered almonds. I still have one ingredient to spare, so I am going to add some honey, optional  for those who want their parfait a little sweeter. I found I did not need it. The sweetness of the grilled fruit was sweet enough for me. I prefer plain yogurt but you can use vanilla yogurt if you prefer. Greek yogurt is richer and creamier than regular yogurt without sacrificing calories and taste  so if you have a choice, use Greek yogurt. I found the low-fat version creamy enough that I did not need to use full fat yogurt. My kids assembled the parfaits and we had great fun making it and eating it. My youngest even asked if she could have a ” Parfait Party” with her friends ! I’m thinking about it  and in the meantime I think we will be making a grilled peach parfait next ! 



 Nutrition Wise!

Mangoes are loaded with Vitamin A & C and are yummy to boot. Yogurt gives you a nice boost of calcium, Vitamin D and protein. Almonds add fiber, Vitamin E and heart healthy fat.


Grilling Fruit ! 

Fruit is basically made up of water and natural sugar( fructose) and by grilling it, you can concentrate the flavors by reducing the water and caramelizing the natural sugars. Grilling brings out the natural flavor in fruit and makes it taste sweeter. Hence the need for adding sugar is reduced. You don’t need an outdoor grill to grill your fruit. I used an indoor George Foreman grill. You can also just lightly toast the mango in a pan on each side.




Grilled Mango Parfait with Greek Yogurt & Slivered Almonds

Serves 3
Meal type Dessert, Snack
Misc Child Friendly, Pre-preparable, Serve Cold


  • 2 Mangoes (peeled)
  • 1 teaspoon Coconut oil
  • 2 cups Greek yogurt
  • 4 tablespoons Almonds (slivered)


Use thick  yogurt instead of Greek yogurt if desired. You can drizzle some  honey for an extra sweet healthy treat !


Peel mango. Slice and brush lightly with coconut oil.
Grill for 5-10 minutes till lightly grilled on both sides. Cut into small pieces.
Toast slivered almonds in a pan. Layer the yogurt, mango and almonds in layers.
Repeat the layers and enjoy !

My Sunday Supper team has cooked up a storm with easy ” five ingredient recipes” ! Stop by their blogs and check them out ! Some neat recipes here.

Breakfast, Starters, Butters and Jams:

Main Dishes:



Please be sure you join us on Twitter throughout the day during #SundaySupper. We’ll be meeting up at 7:00 pm(Eastern) for our weekly #SundaySupper  live chat where we’ll talk about our favorite 5 Ingredient Recipes! All you have to do is follow the #SundaySupper hashtag, or you can follow us through TweetChat!  We’d also love to feature your easy go to recipes on our #SundaySupper Pinterest board and share them with all of our followers!

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