Social Media Break 1

On a personal note I am taking a much-needed social media fast during lent.  It’s not something I intended (I was originally thinking of giving up sugar) but Wednesday night, as I listened to our church pastor, I felt an urge or a calling to do this instead. As with all callings you need to do it to become stronger. Everyone gets different callings and for some it may the opposite  as in being more active but I knew this was mine! I can be an active social media person (nothing wrong about that considering I have my own business and need to advocate for myself) so this fast will help me control it better when I get back on. I have been reading a couple of blogs though and get those occasional notifications via email but apart from that been pretty inactive SM wise.  Let’s see: day 1, It was a little challenging. Usually I like to take food pics and am generally tweeting my morning drink or my breakfast and little snippets through the day. So, yesterday morning it felt a little odd and lonely not to be doing that. Keep in mind that I am self-employed, and a lot of my work is non-interaction work done at home. At these time social media helps me. And I am thankful for that.  I love my clients and interacting with real people, but my job does not let me do that all days. So, I think this exercise is going to be good for me. Then I dropped kid at school, went to the gym, talked to random strangers at the gym, did some groceries, headed to my kids’ school for a concert and completed this post. Also made a nice roast for hubby and kid. Took pictures of the roast but did not share it on SM  lol ! I was busy without social media on a work  from home day and that was something for me. Today I went to work so, it was a busy day. Of course, it helped that I listened to music which is and always will be my healing space. Songs that make me think, speak to my soul and make me laugh. Something tells me I will blogging more the next couple weeks which is good esp. since my blogging had slowed down of late. Talk about being backed up! So, if you want to read more of my posts, subscribe to my blog to have them delivered to your inbox or check in here often.


Yesterday I was at my child’s dress rehearsal for a show called blast 30 that they are putting up over the next few weekends and my youngest has been very excited about the show.  Of course, as a mom I dutifully taped all the 5 numbers she is in. Sharing this one song that I really liked. If you wait for the end past the upside-down video in-between (my phone was giving trouble) you can hear my youngest ( last soloist) sing her voice out and literally belt. Proud mamma moment 😊! I had to cut the video short since it too was long to upload on my blog. I have to learn how to compress and edit videos and maybe I can upload a better copy.  Love this song! Every human being belongs: We are the world! Live life everyday like it’s our last day! Have a great weekend everyone! I know I have a busy weekend and hope to blog again next week!  Peace, love and hugs :)!