Pineapple Ginger Lemonade Laced With Turmeric #SundaySupper

Pineapple Ginger Lemonade Laced With Turmeric #SundaySupper

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Zesty Pineapple Lemonade with a hint of ginger and turmeric is a refreshing  healthy drink  that is perfect accompaniment to any meal.  My Sunday Supper team is doing a picnic theme and I am making my favorite drink : Pineapple lemonade! I love this drink and make it every time I need a boost! It’s one of those drinks that can lift my blue moods and make everything seem better even if for just awhile. I juice fresh ripe pineapple, ginger, and tender  turmeric root but you don’t have a juicer you can use commercial pineapple juice.  I add the turmeric to give it an exotic taste and improve the anti inflammatory benefits but you can skip the turmeric if you wish and still have a delicious juice! I used part stevia and part natural sugar to sweeten the juice, but when you use fresh pineapple you dont really need too much sugar. You would use a lot less than the average lemonade. I love the idea of serving this chilled fresh pineapple lemonade in mason jars which happen to be my latest fad to serve beverages. Try this refreshing all natural drink at your next party or picnic and make sure you make extra cause they will ask for seconds!

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Nutrition Wise:

Pineapple is loaded with beneficial enzymes which aid digestion and have serious ant- inflammatory power. It is also high in vitamin C, A and K. Ginger is another power bulb that adds to the inflammatory  value and boost immune function. It has ingredients that can help arthritis and can cure the common cold. Lemon is high in vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene–that promote immunity and fight infection. Turmeric the magic spice has been touted for its benefits from rheumatoid arthritis to cancer. All in all a nutrient loaded anti-inflammatory drink that tastes almost too good to be healthy!

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Pineapple ginger lemonade


  • 1 pineapple (peeled and cored)
  • 1 " ginger
  • 1 " tender turmeric shoot
  • 4 lemons
  • 1 Tsp lemon zest
  • 6 Glasses filtered water
  • 2 Tbsp raw sugar
  • 8 Pks stevia (4 tsps stevia)


Use 4 cups commercial pineapple juice if you are not using fresh pineapple


Peel pineapple, and cut into long wedges. Juice pineapple wedges and core
juice ginger and turmeric
squeeze juice out of lemons. Scrape one lemon to get 1 tsp lemon zest
Add water to the juice mixture. Add sugar, stevia and mix well
Serve Chilled

Check out these great picnic ideas  by the rest of my sunday supper team!



Main Dishes:


Soups and Salads:


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