Going Bananas over Wholesome Banana Bread !!

Going Bananas over Wholesome Banana Bread !!
Am not big into baking – more the grilling, cooking  kind …but this recipe of mine gets baked an average of 4-5 loaves/week. As far as I’m concerned that’s fine, because this recipe is “super healthy” and takes 5 minutes to prep ( my kind of cooking ) so my family can eat as much as they want. My kids and the ‘Big Kid’ have it for breakfast, snack and when they want a quick foodie  to “Grab and Go.”

The magic behind my bread is the flour and the flax. I use a five grain flour loaded with fiber -gives the bread 5 gms fiber / slice which is which is nutritionally “Awesome”. I use Trader Joe’s ‘Multigrain Baking and Pancake Mix’ which has 5 wholesome grains in it. At $1.99 for a 32 oz. box, it’s great value considering you can bake about 5-6  loaves with each box. You can use any whole grain or multi grain flour. Read labels to make sure it’s free of preservatives and high in fiber. I also use 1/4 cup ground flax seed which enhances the nutrient quality of the bread by adding powerful antioxidants in the form of lignans and additional fiber. I am a big fan of flax …. to read my article on the benefits of flax – click here. I find using flax eliminates the need for oil or fat, but you can add some fat/oil to make the bread a little more moist. Other ingredients  are just Eggs, Brown sugar and ‘Potassium Packed Bananas! Now check out my high fiber yummy recipe complete with nutrition facts.

To make this a vegan recipe substitute the eggs with 1/2 cup applesauce.
To make this a gluten free bread use [Gluten Free Flour]
For a diabetic bread substitute the brown suger with 1/2 cup of [agave nectar] or [stevia].
                 To make this recipe cholesterole free substitute the eggs with 1/2 cup with plain egg whites.

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