15 Healthy Snack Foods For Diabetics


If you’re a diabetic or pre diabetic you’ve  probably been advised by your doctor or dietitian  that you need to eat snacks in-between your meals. If there’s anyone in this world who has to keep an eye on what they are eating,  it’s  got to be a diabetic.  Snacks  have to be a part of your daily  routine. If you do not eat snacks and just stick to 3 meals/day your  blood sugar will spike which is not good for you. Snacks help prevent spikes and balance your blood sugar. This is especially important if you have type 1 diabetes.

Now, what do you snack on ? Just like meals, snacks should be a combination of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Aim for one that consists of 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates and 100 to 200 calories (depending on your meal plan and medication). A combination of carbs and protein is better than just carbs. For example : 4 wheat crackers with cheese ( about 120 calories)  is  better than 4 wheat crackers ( 80 calories ) because of way it hits your blood stream. The second choice with cheese although higher calorie will hit your blood stream at a slower rate making it a more diabetic friendly snack than plain wheat crackers.In this case low-calorie is not  the best snack. Slightly higher calories balanced with all three nutrients is better. Combining a protein and fat with a carbohydrate is possibly the best snack you can eat as a diabetic.  If you can’t do all three nutrients at one shot, at-least do two. Combine a fat and carb or a protein and carb. 

When You combine carbs with protein and fat it makes the carb low GI ( Glycemic Index). The glycemic index (GI) is a numerical system of measuring how much of a rise in circulating blood sugar a food triggers–the higher the number, the greater the blood sugar response. So a low GI food will cause a small rise, while a high GI food will trigger a dramatic spike. Diabetics should aim for low or medium GI meals and snacks.

Check out these great low GI snack combos. Great for anybody !

Cottage cheese and fruit

Cottage cheese and fruit

Great and yummy protein, fat , carb combo with a boost of calcium.
Protein shake

Protein shake

Milk + Protein powder + fruit or low sugar chocolate syrup make a great diabetic snack !
Hummus with whole grain chips or veggies

Hummus with whole grain chips or veggies

Healthy hummus with olive oil and chickpeas with whole grain chips or veggies would make a great snack !
Low fat yogurt and fruit

Low fat yogurt and fruit

Creamy unsweetened low fat yogurt with fruit will make a yummy snack. Sweeten with stevia if needed.
yogurt smoothies

yogurt smoothies

whip up some yogurt, protein powder and fruit for a healthy carb protien combo
Half a turkey sandwich

Half a turkey sandwich

1 slice of whole grain bread with turkey, lettuce and tomato or your favorite trimmings. Use low fat mayo and skip the cheese unless you want a heavier snack.
 Fruit and Cheese

Fruit and Cheese

Easy to carry around snack with good protein, fat and carbs.
Low fat cheese and crackers

Low fat cheese and crackers

Whole grain crackers and low fat cheese. Easy to carry this snack around.
Veggies and Dip

Veggies and Dip

Crisp raw veggies with a low fat dip. Mix some yogurt or low fat cream cheese into dip to make it protein dense.
Trail mix of nuts with some fruit

Trail mix of nuts with some fruit

Make your own trail mix with a healthy blend of nuts, dried fruit in the ratio of 3:1. Nuts and dry fruit are high calorie so only have 1/2 cup.
Protein bars or granola bars

Protein bars or granola bars

Aim for bars that have a good dose of protein and fiber and make sure they don't go above 150 calories/ bar. Go for natural bars with no added sugars.
Peanut butter with bread or crackers.

Peanut butter with bread or crackers.

1 slice of wheat bread with a tsp PB or some wheat crackers with PB make a low GI delish snack.
High Protein muffins with no sugar added

High Protein muffins with no sugar added

Make your own muffins by mixing in a cup of ricotta cheese and swapping sugar for fruit or agave nectar.
Bean salad

Bean salad

A hearty bean salad drizzled with some olive oil gives you the perfect carb, protein fat combo ! Added bonus, you get tons of fiber and antioxidants too !
Soy or Edamame

Soy or Edamame

Edamame drizzled with some olive oil or roasted tofu with nuts make a nice low GI snack



These are just some ideas ! Get creative. Mix some low-fat protein, Healthy fat and complex carbs and make your own healthy diabetic friendly snack combinations !  




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