Cran Apple Celery, A Refreshing Juice To Lose Holiday Bloat

Cran Apple Celery, A Refreshing Juice To Lose Holiday Bloat

Thanksgiving is over, and I have plenty of fresh cranberries. Bought 2 bags (total 5 lbs.) at Costco for 2.99/ bag. Used 1 bag to make my cranberry chutney to smother over the turkey and I always make extra to give away to my guests.  I sprinkled some from the second bag on the table for decor until my kids protested that the table was looking too cranberry, so I have plenty leftover. Force of habit, I always drink cran water after the holidays to get rid of holiday bloat. It works great and in 2 to 3 days I would have lost about 5 lbs. of pure water weight. Yep! Water weight accounts for a large percentage of weight we gain over the holidays. All that extra fat, salt and sugar makes your body retain fluids and something as simple as a natural diuretic will help you leach out all that water.

This year I thought I would try juicing fresh cranberries since I had so much.  It was delicious!! I had to try it a couple of times before I got the right combo to make it taste good. Combined with an apple and a few stalks of celery it tasted decent, in fact super decent. Never mind that celery is good for blood pressure and a natural diuretic on its own.  If you add a dash of ginger, you have juice heaven! I guess I will keep juicing cranberries till I run out and then go back to purchasing pure cranberry juice from Traders Joe’s like I usually do. Try cran water or my fresh cran apple celery juice. It works like a charm. I believe in eating well during the holidays but there’s no reason why we should hold on to holiday bloat in between Thanksgiving and Christmas if we can help it. Drink up and feel healthier!  I added a little sparkling water and it was like sipping a cocktail.
From my kitchen to yours! Hope you like my holiday beat bloat drink!
Have a healthy, happy, holiday season.

Cran Apple Celery Juice


  • 4-6 Stalks Celery
  • 2 Small pple
  • 1/2 cup fresh cranberries
  • 1/2 " ginger


juice everything. Throw in the apple first, then the celery and cranberries, ginger and an apple at the end
Enjoy !!!

On a personal note, Thanksgiving was awesome. I love having both my kids at home and that is a treat. My favorite part was when we sat down as a family of four and just talked about what we were thankful for. My oldest said she was thankful that although she was away at college, we still did thing together, fought with each other, laughed and have fun when she is home. That made me glow.

The week after thanksgiving was not as great. I always have a little separation anxiety when I drop her off. Then some stuff that got me down but not for long. Writing helps me, and I wrote about it and let it go. If you want to read about it, it’s here!

If you’re here to just read my nutrition tips, don’t go there. Just stay here!! Have a healthy happy holiday.


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