FABULOUS FLAX – Feed into it !

I incorporated Flax into my routine about 10 yrs back and It’s probably one of the best ” health habits ” I ‘ve taken to.  Now, like “caffeine for the soul ” I can’t be without it. It was originally cultivated in Babylon as early as the 8th century for it’s “superior powers“- fast forward 13 years and it still merits “Top Ten Foods “in Health foodie lists! Two fabulous forms of Flax : Oil and Seed – both have their fabulous benefits
Flax oil, derived from a plant is especially great for vegans who want the fish oil benefits without the fish. It is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids which provide ” heart healthy benefits ” reduce inflammation,  blast fat,  keep skin,  hair healthy- a de-ager if you ask me -one of the real reasons I take it.
Some tips on using it wisely.
  • Purchase Flax oil in opaque (dark) containers , store in refrigerator and minimize exposure to heat, light and air.
  • Use within 3-4 weeks to prevent it turning rancid, and purchase small quantities.
  • Use in smoothies, shakes, dips, salad dressings … but eat it raw! Have provided a link below for some lovely recipes using flax oil. I use flax oil in my smoothies everyday !
  • DO NOT cook with it. Exposure to high heat can make it harmful. Add flax to warm soups or foods just before serving.
 Recommended amount – 2tbs – 4 tbs /day
 Meatloaf using flax meal – Click link below for recipe


Flax seed in addition to Omega 3 and 6 also contains a powerful antioxidant called lignan, ( more than any other plant source) soluble fiber, vitamins B, C, E  and some minerals. It is very beneficial for colon health, protective against cancers , healthy skin ( again) boosts immunity and lowers Cholesterol.
Some tips on using it well !
  • Very Important – Unless chewed, Flax seed will pass right through your system without you getting any of those fabulous benefits (except fiber) so buy Flax meal  or grind the seeds using a coffee mill and make your own flax meal.
  • Sprinkle on cereal, salads, soups, oatmeal etc.
  • Use with salad dressings.
  • Flax meal unlike the oil can be used in cooking and baking, but remember it browns very quickly so lessen cooking time-  so if your cookie recipe says 10 mts , bake for 8 instead.
  • Add to meat loafs, meatballs or casseroles.
  • Toss into pancake batter- it tastes quite delicious and the kids won’t know ( tried and tested on my guinea pigs ).
  • Substitute in baking – You can sub out some of the fat in the recipe with Flax meal . A good ratio is 2:1 fat is to Flax.
  • Store in airtight containers or freezer bags in the fridge for 45 days or freezer for up to 6 months.
 For some fabulous Flax recipes using Flax seed. click link below.
How early to start – 18 months and above is fine. If you want to try it before that check with your paediatrician. My now “8 yr old “would ask for a taste of my “Flax oil smoothies “when she was two and has been hooked on them since. Start slowly, in small quantities since the taste of FLAX is more a cultivated taste and tends to grows on you.
If you have any other tips on using Flax would love to hear from you 🙂 Please share !
My favorite Brand of Flax Oil


Fabulous Flax Links
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